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Hey, I’m Yesi (“jess-ee”)

See the under-eye bags? Yeah, I work that hard.

Just kidding—that’s a vitamin deficiency—but I do juggle a lot!

As the daughter of a sculptor, I spent most of my childhood creating tiny things at my own pace. By the time I was old enough to operate a rotary tool, I expanded into creating tiny worlds for my little objects to live in, and from there, stories were developed organically. After high school, I earned my BFA in Visual and Media Arts with a concentration in directing at Emerson College, where I followed my love of stories into the world of animation, documentary, narrative drama, and even stand-up comedy.

Now, I split my time between miniature fabrication, voiceover work for brands and podcasts, and live performance at the Yard Theater in East Hollywood, CA.

Click “contact” to get sucked into my chaotic orbit!